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Re: [cosmos-dev] Please review: modifications to EclipseCon2007Demo script, cheesey report mockups

I'm a little confused about how BIRT reports can be used to accomplish what is listed in the demo script.  I've always thought that BIRT reports are static HTML pages (i.e. a static page is generated based on template file(s) + some data passed into the BIRT engine).  The demo script includes:

# Open the SML file and add the entry that indicates log file information is available and statistical information is available.
# Refresh the page
# The page contains the log and stat information

Is that possible to do with BIRT?  How does a static HTML report pick up changes to an underlying model?  Doesn't changing the model require the BIRT engine to be run against the model to re-generate another static HTML page?

Furthermore, is this solution a temporary one for the sake of having a demo for EclipseCon or are we basing the web-based client completely on BIRT reports?  Aren't we significantly limiting ourselves by providing a web-based application that is based on BIRT reports?

On 1/18/07, Craig Thomas <cthomas@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
To all interested parties:

I made some modifications to the wiki page at

The modifications were based on design discussions held during the Data Reporting Sub Project meeting today, 18-Jan-2007. During this meeting, Marius, Mark, and I drilled down on both the reporting and the data access APIs.

The outcome of our conversation included:
  • We'll use BIRT reports for all of the web based user interface for the Eclipse Con 2007 demo.
  • We identified 3 key data access APIs, though more APIs may emerge:
  • getTopologies(), which returns a collection of POJOs for the topologies.
  • getNodes(topology_id) and getNodes(node_id) which return a collection of top-level children of a topology and a node, respectively.
  • getProperties(topology_id) and getProperties(node_id), which return a collection of properties for a topology and a node, respectively.
  • We worked on the specifics of the demo script steps, trying to call out a simple but effective set of BIRT-able reports for each kind of information.
  • Based on this joint effort, I whacked together some cheesey report mockups that are an attempt to capture the essential data. There are links to these reports in the demo script.
Your review and comments are highly valued!


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Ali Mehregani
Test & Performance Tools Platform

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