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RE: [corona-dev] Corona CVS Repository Updates

Item 1

> There are still dependencies on 3rd party packages:


I noticed today that there is a plugin org.apache.xerces on Eclipse server (/cvsroot/eclipse). I suppose we can use the package, than. The item is partially "deprecated", sorry.

The only dependence that needs to be solved is log4j.


Item 7

> Do we maintain the distinction to client - common?


I suggest removing server, common and client prefixes during plugin consolidation. Now, we don't have remote invocation mechanism implemented so the client-server distinction has been lost somehow. There are very few "server only" plugins.


I agree with Edyta that ui should be used more often. We can indicate client-specific issues in this way. I noticed that other projects use "ui" as suffix, while we used "client" as prefix. Now we have, for example, package " org.eclipse.corona.client.project.builder", while typically it will be " org.eclipse.corona.project.builder.ui"


Item 8 (new)

plugin ...client.project.ui is deprecated and can be removed.


Item 9 (new)

Plugins and ... concern team repository and can probably be merged. There is a little problem

it supplies a team repository adapter, so it fits also to ...repository.adapter. Additionally, it is not available on eclipse server and it is only used by server.test.container.project.



From: corona-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx [mailto:corona-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of Kaczmarek, Pawel
Sent: Tuesday, August 29, 2006 6:03 PM
To: Corona development
Subject: RE: [corona-dev] Corona CVS Repository Updates



Comments to plugin refactoring:


1.      There are still dependencies on 3rd party packages:

Packages "org.apache.xalan" and "org.apache.xerces"

are imported by ... server.container.project and The package "org.apache.xalan" can be removed from Import-Packages, but xerces is used in code by


There is also required package org.apache.log4j, which is used for logging.


2.      Event handling is split among different packages:

...client.collaboration.event and ...client.project.event do not depend on UI in fact.

Additionally ...common.project and ...common.collaboration deal only with event routing

So they can all be merged to ...event.


The new plugin ...event contains:





Alternative solutions:

            two new plugins:  ...event.collaboration and ...event.project

            or:  ...event.client and ...event.common


...client.collaboration.ui can be renamed to event.ui


3.      The plugin ...server.container.project contains package ...container.manager. Names do not match at all.


4.      The plugin ...server.container.common contains only interfaces IRepository, IRepositoryDescriptor and IProjectListener. They do not concern container.


5.      Plugins "" and "repository.adapter.wp" can be merged to one:



6.      Do we maintain the distinction to client - common?






From: corona-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx [mailto:corona-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of O'Flynn, Dennis
Sent: Tuesday, August 29, 2006 12:21 PM
To: Corona development
Subject: RE: [corona-dev] Corona CVS Repository Updates


The name ‘org.eclipse.corona’ is the name of the plugin.  Within it, there are several java packages:

  • org.eclipse.corona
  • org.eclipse.core
  • org.eclipse.core.internal
  • org.eclipse.core.resources
  • org.eclipse.corona.log


The objective is to create the root Corona plugin that provides the common classes and interfaces used by all other Corona plugins.   It is much more that what was previously in the prototype “core” plugin.


From: corona-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx [mailto:corona-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of Kaczmarek, Pawel
Sent: Tuesday, August 29, 2006 3:35 AM
To: Corona development
Subject: RE: [corona-dev] Corona CVS Repository Updates


org.eclispe.corona - I hope the spelling bug is only in e-mail.

The name seems too generic for me. I would leave the "core" suffix, so tools are included in core, as for example package.



From: corona-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx [mailto:corona-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of O'Flynn, Dennis
Sent: Monday, August 28, 2006 6:50 PM
To: Corona development
Subject: [corona-dev] Corona CVS Repository Updates


Time to resynch again…


Glenn and I have refactored ‘org.eclipse.corona.core’ to remove 3rd party library dependencies.  Consequently, we have been able to migrated ‘’ form Compuware’s internal CVS repository to Eclipse’s Corona CVS repository.  We also took the opportunity to establish this as the ‘root’ plugin for all Corona.  This plugin will contain all of the common classes and interfaces used by other Corona plugins. 


The new plugin is named ‘org.eclispe.corona’.  It is a consolidation of the following plugins:

  • ‘org.eclipse.corona.core’
  • ‘’


In addition to committing the new plugin, many plugin manifests have also been updated.


Please discontinue using the ‘core’ and ‘tools’ bundles.  These bundles will be deleted from our CVS repository soon.



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