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[corona-dev] Team Project Set

Could we think of the Team Project File as a Repository?  Using the content-type to decide how to process it once retrieved from CVS.  It seems like there may be a general requirement to pull something from SCM (source code management) system and then delegate processing of the file to something else other than a view.  The Mapper object could be used to map repositories with content-type=…/workbenchTeamProjectContent to class that processes the Team Project Set.  Would this be a resource processor extension point? or would it be more like a builder?


repository-descriptor example below:


<repository-descriptor name="" uri="org.eclipse.corona/CoronaTeamProject"


      <description>Attempt to model Eclipse Team Project File as a repository</description>

      <repository-configurations default-configuration-name="CoronaTeamProjectRepositoryConfiguration" >

            <repository-configuration name=" CoronaTeamProjectRepositoryConfiguration ">

                  <repository-connection-parameters access-type="">

                        <repository-connection-parameter name="Method" value="pserver" />

                        <repository-connection-parameter name="Host" value="" />

                        <repository-connection-parameter name="User" value=" anonymous" />

                        <repository-connection-parameter name="RepositoryPath" value="/home/technology" />

                        <repository-connection-parameter name="Module" value="org.eclipse.corona" />

                        <resource-subset selection-criteria="HEAD" type="CVS-TAG"/>






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