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RE: [corona-dev] Test Data Moved

I am not sure that the constants belong in this package.  I was thinking that the reason for repository content type and access type was so that you could dynamically map from the repository to a viewer.  If we have to pre-define these constants it means that every-time a new repository type is added we have to change the IContainerConstants.  I don’t think that is what we want.


Here is how I thought it would work:

  1. When a project container is opened,  the PCXViewManager  determines the set of  view pages that should be opened.  It probably determines this by “remembering” what the user last had opened.
  2. The PCXViewManager  then calls the ContainerViewToRepositoryMapper (this needs to be written) to match a view page with a RepositoryDescriptor.  ContainerViewToRepositoryMapper uses information in the page view like viewType and viewAccessType to match contentType and accessType in the RepositoryDescriptor .
  3. Once the match has been made.  The Repository is opened using information from the RepositoryDescriptor and the view page is populated with data from the resources in the Repository.



We do not want to hard code these values in IContainerConstaints the information about Repository contentType, and accessType.  This information is owned by the RepositoryDescriptor and RepositoryAdaptor.  Likewise the page view knows what it is capable of displaying.   Another reason we don’t want to require the use of the same constant in the view and the repository is that we may want to use a view that is already written and we can’t add constant to the view.  In this case we would write another view to repository mapping method.


One possible way to implement the ContainerViewToRepositoryMapper is with an Extension Point for the view to repository matching.  The extension point would allow different implements to mapping from the view to the repository to be written in the future.

From: corona-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx [mailto:corona-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of Kaczmarek, Pawel
Sent: Monday, July 31, 2006 7:57 AM
To: Corona development
Subject: RE: [corona-dev] Test Data Moved



We to make default constants for content types and access types that are processed. We have created the interface

IContainerConstants in org.eclipse.corona.model.container, which contains our temporary proposals.

It can be used as a starting point, we already use it in PCV and PCX.

We also need to define the structure of connection parameters for repositories.


I saw that the content-type in sampleEclipseProject.xml is defined as


 Shouldn't it rather be .../corona/contentTypese/teamRepository?




From: corona-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx [mailto:corona-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of Everitt, Glenn
Sent: Friday, July 28, 2006 8:41 PM
To: Corona development
Subject: [corona-dev] Test Data Moved


I had some test data files in org.eclipse.corona.server.container.project which got renamed to   org.eclipse.corona.container.manager  and then test files got moved to




/configs – container configurations which are properties files are inside of the file. 

/containers – a couple of simple serialized Containers: Corona.xml and sampleEclipseProject.xml  which reference the TeamMember.xml “repository”

/repository – contains simplest TeamMember.xml file ever created which is used for the sample repository


Note1: The container definitions have hard coded file paths in them which you will have to change to find the TeamMember.xml repository

Note2: The configuration properties file name must use the same name as the container.xml file name that is currently how they are resolved.

Note3: The path org.eclipse.corona.server.container.project inside of the file is needed but I think it should change

Note4: The file is located via environment variable:  CORONA_CONFIG_HOME the location of the zip file needs to be in < CORONA_CONFIG_HOME>/configs 

I define  CORONA_CONFIG_HOME on the Run | Debug | Environment tab



So here is the quick configuration path explanation:

<CORONA_CONFIG_HOME>/configs points to which contains the files which point to

Corona.xml and sampleEclipseProject.xml which both currently point to



Its all good.

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