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[cdt-dev] Future of org.eclipse.cdt.debug.dap and org.eclipse.cdt.lsp

Hello folks,

Please have a look at this issue and provide feedback:


With CDT 11 approaching I am trying to thin out some of the parts of CDT that are not being maintained so that they aren't ongoing maintenance and API burdens (e.g recent removal of Qt plug-ins and soon to be merged removal of old binary parsers).

We have a lot of experimental code sitting around CDT, started projects or Proof of Concepts.

One of these is the CDT provided Language Sever + Debug Adapter support. These are critical technologies for the future of Language support in Eclipse, but what we have in CDT is not maintained. It sometimes interferes with normal CDT operations and I am not convinced it works or is well enough documented.

The last non-refactoring / non-releng changes on LSP part has been:

- 4a3e046dd which reduced the interference of CDT LSP in normal C/C++ Editor in Aug 2020
8c78a241d which was to improve cquery support in 2018, this came in just after Manish's work during GSoC in summer 2018.

As for the DAP implementation, that was a PoC that no one other than me looked at and it is not maintained.

Therefore, for CDT 11 I propose removing this code from CDT. If anyone is looking at picking up this work in the future I would support this code being included again in the future. 

To be clear - the future of C/C++ support in Eclipse requires a (probably) clangd backed language server. But this requires some investment that hasn't been made by anyone in CDT as of now.

@Alexander Fedorov I have explicitly cc'ed you as you are the only active committer to have touched this code since 2018.


Jonah Graham
Kichwa Coders

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