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[cdt-dev] CDT M1 will be late

Hi folks,

CDT's contribution to M1 will be late, it was due today (+1 day) but there are a number of problems (some with CDT, some with my time).

CDT's target platform these days is starting to feel like a mini-simrel of its own as it now includes Eclipse platform, orbit, egit, wild web developer, linuxtools for docker, lsp4e, mylyn, swtbot, emf, tm4e and ptp remote. This means CDT needs to actively track all these project to keep up to date on p2 URLs and others. I raise this here as CDT is starting to feel less like a +1 day project these days as often CDT's contribution has to be made to simrel before numerous of its dependencies are. I am not proposing changing anything at the moment - just sharing (or venting?).

Sometimes a dependency (like egit IIRC) is just for a single import in a single java file. Indeed, some of CDT's dependencies are also dependents, including CDT itself (i.e. a previous build of CDT needs to be listed in its own target platform).


Jonah Graham
Kichwa Coders

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