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[cdt-dev] CDT Call Wednesday 5 Feb

Hello folks,

We have our monthly meeting coming up next week. 

We have some big discussions coming up. Please let me know if you have any additional topics to discuss or please just add to the agenda direct. & direct link to this month

  1. Welcome and sign yourself in
  2. Actions from last meeting
    a.  John Comments on embed-cdt’s Creation Review (done)
  3. CDT 10.x
  4. Deprecate and delete parts of CDT
    a. UPC
    b. LRParser
    c. XLC
    d. Arduino
    e. Others?
  5. Github vs gerrit/Bugzilla revisited
  6. Next Release - CDT 9.11.0
    a. Target platform updated
    b. M2 on Feb 3

See you all Wednesday.
Jonah Graham
Kichwa Coders

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