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Re: [cdt-dev] Eclipse CDT bug 547209

As I mentioned on the cdt-dev list recently we are very low on resources on the CDT. That's probably why your bug hasn't received any attention.

You will see differences between how Eclipse launches a windows executable and doing it from a console. My guess is that the hidden console we launched to run make closes and everything started in it goes away. You can check that by closing the console you use to run make and see if you get the same behavior.

I've copied the cdt-dev list to see if anyone has a better answer.


From: Stefan Krsmanovic [krsmanovic.stefan@xxxxxxxxx]
Sent: Monday, June 10, 2019 11:50 AM
To: Doug Schaefer
Subject: Eclipse CDT bug 547209

Hello Doug,

Some time ago I have created bug for Eclipse CDT(cdt-build) component. Actually it was first question on Eclipse forum but because there was no response I was not sure how to proceed and after consulting Eclipse IRC channel I have created this bug. 

From list of bugs I can see that there is not much activity regarding bugs and I was just curious is there any time estimation where maybe some activity would happen. Sorry if this question is inappropriate, but this is affecting my job tasks and I would like to know how to proceed with this problem. At the end maybe I can take some time and do investigation but I guess it is better to be done by someone with experience as I believe there is short answer to this question.

Best Regards


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