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[cdt-dev] Target definition files for LSP4E plugin

Hi all,

Last September, we commited to the CDT repo [1] an org.eclipse.lsp4e.cpp plugin whose purpose is to allow using the ClangD language server via LSP4E.

As part of that commit there was also an plugin which contained target definition files for this functionality. I remember trying it briefly at the time, and it worked; at least, the target definition resolved and I was able to run the resulting Eclipse application.

To get started with the GSoC project about LSP integration, Manish and I have been trying to dust off this plugin and get it working so that we can develop it further.

We are finding that when we try to load one of the provided target definition files, e.g., it fails to resolve with a bunch of errors of the form "Unable to locate installation unit [...]" and "Missing requirement: [...]".

I'm wondering, have the target definition files perhaps become out of date since then, and need to be updated? Any advice on how to go about doing that?

I've never edited a target definition file before so I also wanted to ask: are you supposed to edit them directly in their textual (XML) form, or using the Target Editor? I ask in part because in the Target Editor, in the Definition tab, the "Edit..." button is greyed out for each location, so it's not clear to me how I'm supposed to edit the entries in the Target Editor.

Any suggestions about this would be appreciated!

Also cc'ing Marc-André who wrote the original plugins and may have some insight about this.



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