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Re: [cdt-dev] Project to build 'Eclipse IDE for C/C++ Developers'?

> On 24 May 2017, at 00:36, Marc-André Laperle <marc-andre.laperle@xxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Never tried with a space,

you don't have to do anything special, just add a space to a name in one of the parent folders and it'll break.

> but those are URIs I believe so maybe try something like:
> file:///Users/user/path-with-no-spaces

as instructed by the, all I did was 

	mvn clean verify -Pepp.package.cpp

I did not change a single file. 

simply moving the entire build to a folder where there are no spaces in the path (/tmp), allowed the build to complete. but this is not a real solution, all my project sources are in '/Users/ilg/My Files/MacBookPro Projects/GNU ARM Eclipse/'.

can you make your suggestion more specific?



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