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[cdt-dev] Weekly Problems Digest


this is the weekly digest for C/C++ Development Tools. All problems on this list are 'unresolved', i.e., they are not marked as fixed or invalid in AERI. See at the end of this email how to exclude problems from future digests.

Top new problems (last 7 days):

  Summary Reporters Status Severity Bug
1. Exception in 2 Unconfirmed Unknown -
2. IllegalStateException in CConfigurationDescription.getConfigurationData 2 Unconfirmed Unknown -
3. NoStackTrace in CCorrectionProcessor.computeQuickAssistProposals 2 Unconfirmed Unknown -
4. NoStackTrace in CompositeScope.processUncertainBinding 2 Unconfirmed Unknown -

Top unresolved, active problems (last 7 days):

  Summary Reporters Status Severity Bug
1. StringIndexOutOfBoundsException below AdditionalInput$1LibFilter.accept 500+ Confirmed Minor 460954
2. IllegalArgumentException in PDOMCPPClassType.getVisibility 500+ Confirmed Minor 470726
3. StandInException in ControlFlowGraphBuilder.createSubGraph 500+ Unconfirmed Unknown -
4. Exception in Configuration.loadFromProject 500+ Unconfirmed Unknown -
5. RuntimeException in RequestMonitor.handleFailure 499 Unconfirmed Unknown -
6. Exception in AbstractMIControl$RxThread.processMIOutput 383 Unconfirmed Unknown -
7. Exception in ToolchainBuiltinSpecsDetector.getCompilerCommand 325 Unconfirmed Unknown -
8. AssertionFailedException below CheckedTreeEditor.createListControl 320 Unconfirmed Unknown -
9. NullPointerException in ClassTypeHelper.getBases 313 Unconfirmed Unknown -
10. FileNotFoundException in LaunchUtils.verifyProgramPath 308 Unconfirmed Unknown -

Top reoccurring problems (last 3 months):

  Summary Reporters Status Severity Bug
1. StringIndexOutOfBoundsException below AdditionalInput$1LibFilter.accept 500+ Confirmed Minor 460954
2. IllegalArgumentException in PDOMCPPClassType.getVisibility 500+ Confirmed Minor 470726
3. StandInException in ControlFlowGraphBuilder.createSubGraph 500+ Unconfirmed Unknown -
4. Exception in Configuration.loadFromProject 500+ Unconfirmed Unknown -
5. RuntimeException in RequestMonitor.handleFailure 499 Unconfirmed Unknown -
6. Exception in AbstractMIControl$RxThread.processMIOutput 383 Unconfirmed Unknown -
7. Exception in ToolchainBuiltinSpecsDetector.getCompilerCommand 325 Unconfirmed Unknown -
8. AssertionFailedException below CheckedTreeEditor.createListControl 320 Unconfirmed Unknown -
9. NullPointerException in ClassTypeHelper.getBases 313 Unconfirmed Unknown -
10. FileNotFoundException in LaunchUtils.verifyProgramPath 308 Unconfirmed Unknown -
11. StandInException below CDocumentProvider.commitWorkingCopy 298 Unconfirmed Unknown -
12. NullPointerException in SemanticHighlightings$ExternalSDKHighlighting.consumes 273 Unconfirmed Unknown -
13. CoreException in BuildProperty.setValue 251 Unconfirmed Unknown -
14. Exception in ToolchainBuiltinSpecsDetector.getTool 249 Unconfirmed Unknown -
15. Exception in ToolchainBuiltinSpecsDetector.getSpecFileExtension 247 Unconfirmed Unknown -
16. DOMException in CPPTemplates.createTemplateArgumentArray 243 Unconfirmed Unknown -
17. NullPointerException in ArduinoTargetPropertyPage.createContents 222 Unconfirmed Unknown -
18. StandInException in NewMakeProjFromExisting$1.execute 213 Unconfirmed Unknown -
19. CoreException below CDocumentProvider.createFileInfo 208 Unconfirmed Unknown -
20. IllegalArgumentException below AbstractAnnotationHover$AnnotationInformationControl.createAnnotation 199 Unconfirmed Minor 447622


Active: 1821 problems in last 3 months.
Bugzilla: 17 problems tracked, 9 problems closed, 5 problems fixed in lifetime.


Edit the contents of this digest

To remove invalid problems from this list, click on its link above, set its status to 'invalid', and save. If the problem is tracked in Bugzilla, all information is pulled from there. Just close the bug as invalid, wont fix etc.

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If you have any questions, please send an email to error-reports-inbox@xxxxxxxxxxx or open an bug.

Your friendly error-reports-inbox.

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