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Re: [cdt-dev] Reset to the local cross tool chain

Hi Marc-Andre,
First of all, thank you very much for your help.I am in the Linux environment, tool chain is Sparc - elf.I created a c project and choose Makefile > Empty project on the left side and Cross GCC on the right side.Next page is Finish ,
Not to write the prefix and the path ,What should I do?
Thank you

发件人:Marc-André Laperle <marc-andre.laperle@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
发送时间:2016-01-14 03:42
主题:Re: [cdt-dev] Reset to the local cross tool chain
收件人:"CDT General developers list."<cdt-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Hi Ranran,

The Cross GCC toolchain helps you use a GCC that is not supported by the more conventional toolchains in CDT (Linux GCC, MacOSX GCC, MinGW GCC...). With Cross GCC, you can define a prefix and a path to the compiler.
For example, if I have C:\toolchains\bin\arm-linux-gcc.exe
   The prefix is arm-linux-
   The path is C:\toolchains\bin\

To set up such a project in CDT, use the new project wizard (File > New > C++ project)
Untick the default location checkbox and browse for the folder containing your code.
If you use your own Makefile (or other command line build system), choose Makefile > Empty project on the left side and Cross GCC on the right side.
The wizard will ask you the prefix and the path of the compiler after a few pages (the ones I mentioned before).

With that project set up, you should be able to build and navigate your code.


From: cdt-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx [cdt-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx] on behalf of ranran106011 [ranran106011@xxxxxxx]
Sent: Wednesday, January 13 2016 1:55 AM
To: cdt-dev
Subject: [cdt-dev] Reset to the local cross tool chain

    I now to install CDT_8_8 in eclipse,want to use my local directory crossover tool chain compiled c/c + + project.How should I do ability to use own crossover tool chain?Can you help me?
Thank you


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