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Re: [cdt-dev] Toggel CDT checking with

Hi Alena,

Thanks for your quick response. It is a requirement for the project. If it can be solved in another way, I can also accept it. This is the requirement:

"It shall be possible for the user to suppress rules. The suppression must be scope based (inside operation / file). .... Suppression of Code checks must be possible per line using C or C++ comment style...."

The "comment style" can be ignored, if there is another way to indicate which line(s) of code to suppress.

Best regards,

Dennis Gallas

Van: Alena Laskavaia <laskava@xxxxxxxxx>
Aan: Dennis Gallas <dennis.gallas@xxxxxxxx>
Cc: CDT General developers list. <cdt-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Verzonden: 5-1-2016 13:59
Onderwerp: Re: Toggel CDT checking with

I don't think we have this now. I am generally against the solutions which pollute the code with tool specific comments.
There are few other ways to go around it - is this a specific error you talking about? Is it false positive?

On Tue, Jan 5, 2016 at 3:21 AM, Dennis Gallas <dennis.gallas@xxxxxxxx> wrote:

Is there a way to turn Codan on/off for specific lines? I read the bug report "" about a possible solution. The solution is to toggel Codan checker with comment lines "// codan:[on|off]". However, I don't think this code ever got delivered to the mainline. Is there a plan to ever get this feature in?


Dennis Gallas

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