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Re: [cdt-dev] Can't push to gerrit, says no CLA (but I have one)


Had a similar problem. The solution in my case was to un-set the following
in the preferences.
Team > Git > Committing > Hard-wrap

This caused my sign-off part in the commit message beeing wrapped and therefore
the CLA was not identified correctly.


On 2015-05-28 16:02, Roberto Oliveria wrote:
I also had the error: The author does not have a current Contributor License Agreement (CLA) on file.

Anyone know how to solve it?

On 05/28/2015 10:08 AM, Alex Blewitt wrote:

It's being looked into. 

Sent from my iPhat 6

On 28 May 2015, at 09:53, Simon Laffoy <simon.laffoy@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

Nathan Ridge <zeratul976@...> writes:


I'm trying to push a patch to Gerrit, but I'm getting "remote rejected"
with the message "The author does not
have a current Contributor License Agreement on file". However, I do have
one. I logged into my account and
checked that it's on file and hasn't expired (it says it will expire

My commit message has the signed-off-by line and generally looks the same
as those for previous commits
which I've pushed to Gerrit successfully.

Any ideas?

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Post a bug to Eclipse in with Product: Community and Component: Gerrit.
Mention the steps you have taken. They are pretty fast at attempting to
solve it. Here is my colleague's Bug his issue
( and my Bug

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