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[cdt-dev] CDT8.4 + 8.5 - all debug buttons become disabled


We have been shipping CDT-based product for many years. We ship Eclipse+CDT unchanged from the release (all our functionality is provided by plugins).

We recently upgraded to Luna+CDT8.4. Since then, we have had occasional reports from customers (and experienced ourselves), that after starting a debug session all of the standard debug functionality becomes disabled (Pause/Resume, Step In, Step Out, Step Over etc). The only function that is still enabled is Run to Line. All other functionality seems to be OK (Register view, Memory, Disassembly etc)

We have tried LunaSR1+CDT8.5 and have experienced the same problem, once.

The underlying GDB has not changed between the Pre-Luna and Post-Luna versions of the product.

In one instance, a restart of the IDE did clear the problem, but in another it did not. A fresh workspace, and a project import was required to clear the problem.

I have looked Bugzilla and not found anything relevant. I have looked in the .log file and can't see anything unusual either.

Does anybody have an idea of what might be going on? Anybody else experienced something similar?

Unfortunately, as it is a rare problem, I can't provide a recipe for reproducing (and therefore can't debug it myself!)

Thanks in advance

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