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Re: [cdt-dev] Help to implement DSF

Hi Christelle,
That's a tough area of the code. We're doing something similar and we've extended:
GdbFinalLaunchSequence (this is HARD to get through)

All of that was necessary to get a DSF launch. You can do a lot of super() stuff in there, but there's a fair bit of customization that needs to take place. Keep asking questions, though. This list can get you pretty good pointers.


From: "Christelle BURGUERA" <Christelle.BURGUERA@xxxxxx>
To: cdt-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx
Sent: Wednesday, June 19, 2013 7:40:33 AM
Subject: [cdt-dev] Help to implement DSF



I work for STMicroelectronics and we have an IDE providing software development tools based on Eclipse and CDT.

Until now, we used the framework CDI, but it is necessary to implement the DSF framework.


I began adding special LaunchDelegate and involving the services LaunchSequence, GDBBackend and other GDBDebugServicesFactory ... My debug starts but I miss the thread info, views Registers, and the GDBConsole Dissassembly are empty ... I'm missing links, extensions ... I do not know what.


I try to debug Eclipse and its DSF to understand how it works but it is very complex and I’m drowning L


Anyone knows a good tutorial, a documentation or a someone who did already this job ???


HELP please !




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