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[cdt-dev] Macro Expansion Dialog buttons not working?


Could someone verify, if in the Macro Expansion Dialog, the buttons to step through the expansions are actually enabled in Juno?

I have a macro like

#define XXX(a,b,c)  \
  void xxx_CHK_##b(uint8 chn, uint8 b);  \
  void xxx_TO_##b(void) { xxx_report(xxx_id_##b, TRUE); c(); }  \
void xxx_RX_##b(uint8 p) { xxx_report(xxx_id_##b, FALSE); xxx_CHK_##b(a, p); } \
  void xxx_CHK_##b(uint8 chn, uint8 b)

XXX(CHN0, My_X, DefHnd)

XXX(CHN0|CHN1, My_Y, DefHnd)

So, when expanding XXX(CHN0, X;DefHnf) only shows the complete expansion (including CHN0, My_X, DefHnd) but you can not step through.
That was possible in previous CDT versions.

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