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[cdt-dev] Indexer/ C/C++ Code Analysis is taking into account sources excluded from build


I'm currently migrating my plugin to the latestn release of eclipse/cdt 8.1.

I re-created a test C project completely, because I had some Java errors when I just used the imported project.

When I run the C/C++ Code Analysis I always get some errors of "underfined symbols" even if those symbols were correctly defined.

I found out that this seems to be related to some files which were excluded from the project. There are some files which are redundant in my project (identical filename). Depending on the configuration, the one or the other file is included. I used the "Exclude from Build" for this. I  In CDT 8.0 this worked fine and only the files used for the selected configuration were taken into account, but in 8.1 the excluded files seem to have an impact on the Indexer/ Source Code Analyzer. As soon as I delete the excluded files completely, the source code analysis works fine.

I don't know if this is a bug or simply something missing in my Plugin or configuration. I'm using the language extension point, but I simply extended the GCCLanguage and added the scanner and parser configuration.

Unfortunately it's wasn't possible to reproduce it in a simple example. Maybe you coud give me an idea what could be the reason for that behavior.



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