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[cdt-dev] Codan & template template


It seems that Codan experiences some troubles with templates templates.

Here a declaration (.hpp) :

template<unsigned int ChunkSizeT, bool ExpandableT, bool ZeroTerminatedT>
class CString
    template<template<class,class> class ListT, class UType, class Alloc, typename StringT>
    void split(ListT<UType,Alloc>& out, const StringT& sep, bool keepEmptyElements = false, bool trimElements = true, bool emptyBefore = true) const;

And here is the definition (.hxx) :

template<unsigned int ChunkSizeT, bool ExpandableT, bool ZeroTerminatedT>
template<template<class,class> class ListT, class UType, class Alloc, class StringT>
void CString<ChunkSizeT,ExpandableT,ZeroTerminatedT>::split(ListT<UType,Alloc>& out, const StringT& sep, bool keepEmptyElements, bool trimElements, bool emptyBefore) const

In the definition

void CString<ChunkSizeT,ExpandableT,ZeroTerminatedT>::split

is underlined in red.

The pop-up message tells "Member declration not found"
The autocompletion shows me the split function, but the first argument type is marked with a question mark.

I tried with Indigo and the last nightly build of Juno (20120202-1513).

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