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[cdt-dev] Build variables in CDT


Recently I investigated how the CDT build variables work in different places. I discovered the following:
  • in Launch Configuration dialog only Eclipse Platform variables work and only in "Arguments" and "Working directory" fields, but not in "C/C++ Application".
  • in project properties --> "C/C++ Build" and "Paths and Symbols" there are also a lot of useful variables (ConfigName, ConfigDescription, CDTVersion and others).
  • in "Modify Make Target" dialog the Eclipse and CDT variables work fine, however there is no "Variables..." button.
Probably there are also other places where variables are substituted, but I want to discuss these ones.

Firstly, I am wondering why variable substitution does not work for "C/C++ Application". It seems it is easy to implement the necessary functionality similarly to the "Working directory". If it was not implemented just because nobody need it and there is no objections I can file a bug and provide a patch.

Secondly, I cannot understand why CDT variables are implemented via the own manager, but not as Eclipse Platform variables. I also found the bug 180256 ("Launch configurations should support build variables") in which Doug describes the problem with platform variables extension. However I cannot see the problem. I tried to implement ConfigName as a Platform variable like this:
public class MyCDTVersion implements IDynamicVariableResolver {
    public String resolveValue(IDynamicVariable variable, String argument) throws CoreException {
        IDynamicVariable projectName = VariablesPlugin.getDefault().getStringVariableManager().getDynamicVariable("project_name");
        IProject project = ResourcesPlugin.getWorkspace().getRoot().getProject(projectName.getValue(null));
        ICProjectDescription projectDescription = CoreModel.getDefault().getProjectDescription(project);
        return projectDescription.getActiveConfiguration().getName();
And it works fine. It seems that other variables can also be implemented. So is that comment actual for now? I want to have at least ConfigName and ConfigDescription to use them in Launch Configuration Dialog. I can provide a patch for that.

An the last one, probably "Modify Make Target" dialog should be updated. I cannot find the corresponding bug. Did I miss it or should I create a new one?


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