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Re: [cdt-dev] Syntax and Semantic errors being on by default

>>> There's another way to look at this. The indexer has trouble, yes, but it
>>> has more success in certain environments than others. It performs much
>>> better with managed build than with Makefile projects, for example, since
>>> scanner discovery is a best effort guess at what the environment is.
>> If performs just fine with Makefile projects if you enter the necessary
>> Include Paths and Symbols in the project properties.
>I will second that. Using CMake to generate my Makefiles, as long as I turn on VERBOSE=1 in the make arguments the scanner discovery does an awesome job of picking up >all the include paths. Now, if there were a way to _clear_ some of those paths when certain SDKs change versions that would be AWESOME.
>Just my 2cents.

Project Properties --> C/C++ Build --> Discovery Options --> Clear discovered entries now
should do it.


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