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[cdt-dev] Allow a subclass of GDBLaunchDelegate to create its own Launch object without duplicating the initialization sequence.


In our DSF launch, I create a subclass of GDBLaunch using the method GdbLaunchDelegate.getLaunch(). Currently this method does the following steps:
1) Create an object of GDBLaunch
2) Initialize the above obj
3) Create the sourceLocator
3.1) Initialize the sourceLocator from the memento

The method getSourceLocator() is also private, so a subclass of GDBLaunchDelegate, which only wants to substitute the GDBLaunch object and the sourcelocator object, while keeping the superclass initialization sequence as it is, has to currently copy both the methods getLaunch() and getSourceLocator() to the subclass. If there is any minor bugfix to theĀ  initialization sequence in these methods in the superclass, the vendor specific subclass will miss out on these bug fixes.

Can we modify the GDBLaunchDelegate as follows:
1) Make getSourceLocator() protected instead of private
2) Create the GDBLaunch object in a separate protected method createLaunch() which is called from getLaunch() in place of the constructor call.
3) Create the sourceLocator object in a separate protected method createSourceLocator which is called from getSourceLocator in place of the constructor call.

Have attached a patch to GDBLaunchDelegate to demonstrate the changes.

Abeer Bagul.
Tensilica India.

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