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[cdt-dev] ProjectDescription#setDynamicReferences()


I am trying to programmatically set dynamic references on a project. I am
using ProjectDescription#setDynamicReferences() to do this, and am using it
in the exact same way as I use ProjectDescription#setReferencesProjects(),
but it is not working .

My code looks like this:

		IProjectDescription desc = projectHandle.getDescription();

		IProject[] newRefs =
addProject(desc.getReferencedProjects(), refProj) ;

		IProject[] newDynRefs =
addProject(desc.getDynamicReferences(), refProj) ;
		desc.setDynamicReferences(newDynRefs) ;
		projectHandle.setDescription(desc, monitor);

where addProject() just adds an additional project to a project[] array.

Any ideas on what I am doing wrong?


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