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Re: [cdt-dev] Build issues cdt 7.0.1

I think you need to work out what you want to work on...  Not all the
project in the repository are part of the CDT build, and some have
additional dependencies.  To see what's part of the build, take a look
at in org.eclipse.cdt.releng.

On 25 January 2011 16:52, Tobias Hahn <tobias.hahn@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Please apologize if I seem to ask the same set of questions every couple of months, but I could not figure out how to build a custom cdt by googling and searching this list. Here is what I did:
> 1. Download eclipse-SDK-3.6.1 for Mac OS X 64bit Cocoa.
> 2. Clone git://
> 3. git checkout cdt_7_0_1
> 4. Open eclipse 3.6.1 from step 1.
> 5. "Import Existing Projects" everything under org.eclipse.cdt into an empty workspace.
> This gave me a few errors about some projects already being in the workspace (even though I started with an empty one). Apparently, eclipse tries to import some projects twice. Unchecking all those about which eclipse complained then let me continue.
> 6. Remove all *.test projects since they did not build and I remembered that I need some obscure platform test dependency for them.
> When I try to build all, I still get over 2000 errors and over 10000 warnings, and I am a bit clueless of how to continue, what is needed and which projects I can safely delete. Here is a sample of the errors I get:
> -- Project 'org.antlr' is missing required library: 'antlr-runtime-3.0.jar'.

I think this is used by the lrparsers. It can be found in the orbit
CVS repository. If you don't need the lrparser, then you can remove
that project.

> -- org.eclipse.cdt.internal.cppunit.runner.CppUnitLaunchConfigurationTabGroup: The import org.eclipse.cdt.launch.internal.ui.MigratingCEnvironmentTab cannot be resolved.

I don't know of anyone working on cppunit.

> Looking at project org.eclipse.cdt.launch, there is a package org.eclipse.cdt.launch.internal.ui, but indeed there is no
> -- Project 'org.eclipse.cdt.debug.edc.agent.gdbserver' is missing a required Java project: ''

This is EDC, it likely depends on TCF (another eclipse project)...

> -- org.eclipse.cdt.core.lrparser.xlc/ The import org.eclipse.cdt.core.dom.lrparser cannot be resolved.
> I cannot find this package anywhere, either.
> This list goes on and on. I suspect I am missing some crucial information, but, again, I would like to apologize, but I could not find it anywhere. Thanks for any help in advance!

It's also very possible that the 70x branch is broken in the git repo.
 The canonical place to checkout source is still CVS.


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