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[cdt-dev] Bugzilla 333443

   For Wind River I am attempting to create a custom importer/exporter for use ine the Memory Browser
   and Memory View. In doing so I have found that an API method scrollRenderers in the ImportMemoryDialog
   class is incorrectly defined as protected when it should have been public.
   This is Bugzilla 333443. I want to change this in cdt 7.0.1 and cdt 8.0. But it is techincally a change
   of an existing API and we have generic rules about changing APIs in DOT releases.
   So I would like your feedback. My feeling is changing this is not an issue. Apparently no one has tried
   to create an independent ( e.g. not conained in the package which contains all the standard importers
   and exporters ) or they would have noticed this before. So it looks like I am the first.
   Changing it in cdt 8.0 of course is not an issue. All of the standard ones, being rebuilt against this
   change in 7.0.1 will take care of them.
   We intend a large release in July which will be based on the latest from CDT 7.0.1 and I need to get
   my new importer/exporter in to it and I wouild like to NOT create a special branched version just for
   this minor change. The method should have been public in the first place since that is it's intended
   So again, I am looking for comment for or against this change. I have submitted a patch with the
   bugzilla entry. The change is simply "protected" to "public" for that method.
   Please let me know what you think.

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