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Re: [cdt-dev] duplicate breakpoints with cdi, cdt 7.0.0 on windows

Ok, I've figured out what the issue is, but I'm not sure what the best
way to solve it is.

The class org.eclipse.cdt.debug.internal.core.CBreakpointManager
maintains a BreakpointMap that stores a list of current breakpoints.
Before adding a new breakpoint, this map is searched to see if the
same breakpoint already exists. This logic is present in the method

With our tools (or maybe I haven't configured something properly),
when this method runs, it compares two breakpoints (as described in my
previous email). The issue is that the two breakpoints use two
different file separators in their path:


Obviously, a string comparison of the above two fails. If before
comparing the above two, I make sure that both paths are converted
into a single format (new Path(str).toOsString()), then the comparison
works and there are no more duplicate breakpoints.

If you have any thoughts on whether this is a bug, or if I'm missing
some configuration somewhere, then do let me know. I can file a bug
report if you guys think this is a bug.


On Wed, Dec 15, 2010 at 3:00 PM, Siva Velusamy <siva.velusamy@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> More info:
> I notice that when I first set the breakpoint, a CLineBreakpoint is
> created. The stacktrace looks like this:
> -------
> CLineBreakpoint(resource="L/hello_world_0/src/helloworld.c",
> attributes=a map, add=true)
> CDIDebugModel.createLineBreakpoint
> ....
> -------
> Once this completes, it looks like it sets this breakpoint on the
> target, which causes a MIBreakpointCreatedEvent. As part of responding
> to this event, another CLineBreakpoint is created. The stacktrace now
> looks like this:
> --------
> CLineBreakpoint(resource="P/hello_world_0",
>                         attributes=a map one of whose attributes is a
> sourceHandle which points to
> /full/path/to/hello_world_0/src/helloworld.c",
>                         add=true)
> CDIDebugModel.createBreakpoint
> ..
> CBreakpointManager.handleBreakpointCreatedEvent
> --------
> So it looks like the difference is that the first one is a breakpoint
> on the file itself, while in reaction to the MI event, a breakpoint is
> created on the project, with the attribute being the file. The code
> seems to rely on the fact that these two should be identical (which
> they are not), so resulting in duplicates.
> Any thoughts on what the correct behavior should be for these methods?
> Thanks,
> Siva
> On Wed, Dec 15, 2010 at 12:06 PM, Siva Velusamy <siva.velusamy@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>> I'm seeing breakpoints listed twice in the breakpoints view.
>> - When debugging is active, and you double click on a line, two
>> breakpoints are shown in the breakpoints view. However, only one
>> "break-insert" command is actually sent via MI to gdb.
>> - When you delete one of them, a "break-delete" command is sent. The
>> breakpoint is deleted from gdb, and the marker on the line goes away,
>> but the duplicate breakpoint remains in the breakpoints view.
>> - If you set a breakpoint before launching debug, then only one
>> breakpoint is added to the view. However, once you start debugging, a
>> duplicate of the same now shows up in the breakpoints view.
>> All these issues are present only on Windows with a MingW based
>> toolchain. No issues on Linux. We are using CDI.
>> Software versions: Eclipse Helios + CDT 7.0.0
>> I'd appreciate it if anyone has any thoughts on which files to look at
>> in the source code.
>> Thanks,
>> Siva

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