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Re: [cdt-dev] Codan

File context scope provided by default in the Scope tab,  the UI also
provides List picker - it is not drop-down but there
was an intent to configure appearance in framework - if you want to
make changes in codan don't by shy - we accept contributions.
I think "code has no effect" checker implements List ui in parameters

On Tue, Dec 14, 2010 at 4:58 PM, Christopher Andrews
<consultchris@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> I would like to use Codan to verify/enforce that code conforms to
> architectural rules.
> I currently have a checker implemented that reads in a file that contains a
> list of illegal functions (a "rule file") and checks that these functions
> are not called from my system's code. However, at lower levels in my system
> many of these functions are allowed as they are necessary to provide
> infrastructure to the higher layers of the system.
> For instance in my system if a class inherits from a UIComponent class then
> the most restrictive rules apply and I would like to use a particular "rule
> file".
> I would like to be able to extend the CustomizeProblemDialog to be able to
> add my own Tab called Context, where I can build a UI that allows a user to
> setup the test condition(s) that apply and browse to a given rule file per
> condition/context. My idea is that the user would select from two drop-down
> boxes from a few pre-populated drop-down list and fill in a text box. The
> first drop-down box would be a noun e.g. File Path, File Contents, Class,
> Method, etc., the second would  be a verb e.g. Contains, Invokes, Inherits,
> etc., and the last field would be a text box that the user can input the
> string to compare against.
> So I would have something like the following for a single entry:
> Label: UI Context, Test:  (First Drop down Box (Noun) ): Class, ( Second
> Drop down Box (verb) ): Inherits, (Textbox) UIBaseClass, Label: Rule File:
> (File Browser Dialog)
> Is there any way to do what I want without modifying the Codan codebase?
> --
> Chris Andrews
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