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Re: [cdt-dev] best practices for managing a custom eclipse/CDT build in a C++ development organization

On 22 July 2010 10:21, Beth Tibbitts <tibbitts@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

>It looked to me like the thing to do is "Export" "Eclipse Product".
No, that is for building an RCP product.
You want to export deployable plug-ins and fragments.
You could build a set of the plug-ins that you have changed, and your users could apply those to the downloaded CDT installation.
You just want the version numbers to be greater than the default CDT's so they are recognized.
On the options tab of the export dialog, the "qualifier replacement" can use today's date and thus it's "greater than" the date that the base CDT was built.
I think what you build this way, your users could copy into the eclipse/dropins folder to install.
Alternatively you could build an update site.

Or alternatively you can install the eclipse centrally and use a shared install. This may make sense if you *nix based and your IT infrastructure meansĀ  that you have tools installed centrally on shared NFS filers:


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