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Re: [cdt-dev] Git/Gerrit Proposal

On Jun 9, 2010, at 15:42, John Cortell wrote:

+1. Seems like a sound approach.

Any idea if project-sets are supported with egit, or if they're even needed in that environment (if we end up with only one repository)? Users and committers should be able to get a CDT workspace set up with as little hassle as possible. Project-sets are great for that.

Not at the moment, no.

But then, if all projects are in one git repository, you get all the projects whether you want them or not. It's then a simple case of doing a File->Import to get them into the workspace (the clone wizard will ask you if you want all of them anyway). Project sets are really a workaround for not having everything :-)

Of course, if CDT bifuricates into multiple git repositories (which can be done after the fact) then you need to know to clone more than one repository.


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