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Re: [cdt-dev] CDT 7.0 M6 Candidate (was Error during nightly builds)

On 15/03/2010 18:56, Doug Schaefer wrote:

> I fear the drop-ins folder. The proper way to install anything into Eclipse
> is to go through the UI.

On 15/03/2010 19:57, John Cortell wrote:
> Sorry. I thought you meant the plugins folder. Not sure if it works in
> the dropin folder.

  Well, I can report that it certainly looks like it works; I simply unzip the
M6 SDK, unzip the cdt-master-blablabla archive into the dropins folder (also
same with the RSE plugin), and after launching eclipse I have all the CDT
plugins registered and everything, at least as far as I've explored so far,
"just works".

  The p2 documentation suggests that this is supposed to be supported and that
it's meant to get everything right(*).  I'm a noob round here - is there some
undocumented knowledge floating around that there can be problems with the
dropins folder?

(*) -

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