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Re: [cdt-dev] questions about building and modifying CDT plugins

Thanks Harald. I've installed Eclipse Classic 3.5 and just plugged-in CDT 6.0.2 into that. I've installed both the "CDT Main features" and the "CDT optional features". Looks like the optional features included the CDT source code. With this and your instructions, I am now able to open the org.eclipse.cdt.make.core plugin as a source project and build it with no errors. I can apply the patch and it builds with no errors. I understand that I can export as a deployable plug-in and the result of that is a .jar file which I can stick in the plugins/ folder of a target eclipse cdt installation. Then I can test it there.

I will try this, but I wanted to ask: since I already have CDT plugged into my Eclipse Classic install, is it possible (or dangerous?) to just use this install to test the modified CDT plugin? Would it be the same mechanism - i.e. can I just export, shut down eclipse, copy the exported .jar into the same eclipse's plugins/, then restart it and test? Is that dangerous? Is there some PDE best-practices way that's better?


On Fri, Mar 5, 2010 at 12:14 AM, Kaestel-Baumgartner Harald (DCC/EDF2) <Harald.Kaestel-Baumgartner@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> Message: 1
> Date: Thu, 4 Mar 2010 16:57:19 -0800
> From: Tim Black <timblaktu@xxxxxxxxx>
> Subject: [cdt-dev] questions about building and modifying CDT plugins
> To: cdt-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx
> Message-ID:
>       <f3cdbfbe1003041657p4931add6h81db28803de5a7fb@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"
> I did a fresh install of the current release (3.5.2r35) of
> the RCP/Plug-in
> Developers distribution of Eclipse, and then followed the
> instructions at
> I checked out
> the listed plugins from HEAD->org.eclipse.cdt->all. Upon building all
> projects, several build errors and warnings accumulated. Many
> of the errors
> were "x cannot be resolved to a type" or "import y cannot be
> resolved".

FYI, how to without CVS access:
When I have to patch my own system I plug in CDT in my PDE installation and then run import_as->Source_project via the Plug-ins view. Then I change the sources of my plug-in, export it as plug-in and finally I manually replace the jar in my CDT installation with the patched one.

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