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Re: [cdt-dev] Re: building the CDT


Now I have gotten a working Eclipse Classic + CDT going.

My earlier problem about a binary artifact not being available occurs when attempting to drop my CDT in as a feature to a download of the Eclipse IDE for C/C++ (vs the Classic version), so I still have no idea what is up with that;

This may be moving offtopic, but is there a prebuilt eclipse lite - e.g. a Classic download without the JDT?


THNAK YOU!. That was exactly what I needed to get my patched CDT built and running.

 What I did was download the "Eclipse Classic" from

Then when I "exported" the Features, fragments and plugins I just followed the list from below. All seems to work just fine now.

 Again, thanks for hanging in there with me.
Mike Jackson                  mike.jackson@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx

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