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Re: [cdt-dev] eclipse not generating binary

Do you have

all: main.exe

target in your makefile?

John Donovan wrote:

I wrote a Makefile as follows


main.exe: lunar.o graphics.o framebuffer.o

            gcc lunar.o graphics.o framebuffer.o -o main.exe

framebuffer.o: framebuffer.c

            gcc -o -c framebuffer.c

graphics.o: graphics.c

            gcc -o -c graphics.c

lunar.o: lunar.c
            gcc -o -c lunar.c


            rm -f *.o

I asked the mailing list before about this and was told eclipse produces a binary and that I had to locate it and put it in a linked resources folder. However, after examining the example projects such as the hello world, their binary files contain an exe. I searched for the exe named in the makefile (main.exe) but I couldn’t find it on my computer. Npow it looks like it doesn’t generate one although the Makefile does build the program. Is there something I should be doing to the makefile to generate this binary/exe? If so do you know where I can get the information?

Any help would be greatly appreciated.




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