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RE: [cdt-dev] Cannot run program "gdb": Launching failed

This is not 1970. File names and path names have spaces, and contain characters other than ANSII encoded characters. Properly written utilities and scripts have no problems with spaces in file paths. If there is a problem with a space, then there is a bug that must be fixed. 

Eric Hildum
Senior Product Manager, Mobile Developer Tools & SDK
Software Platforms and Delivery
Ecosystem and Market Development
809 11th Avenue
Sunnyvale, CA 94089

-----Original Message-----
From: cdt-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx [mailto:cdt-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of Dmitry Smirnov
Sent: Tuesday, November 18, 2008 4:10
To: CDT General developers list.
Subject: Re: [cdt-dev] Cannot run program "gdb": Launching failed

First, I would recommend to move the project to the path that does not
use spaces.
Could you please also
1. run the program with no debugger (from windows console, for example)
2. run the program with console gdb (just run command line in the
directory with HelloWorld.exe, enter "gdb HelloWorld.exe" (or
"C:\cygwin\bin\gdb.exe HelloWorld.exe" and then issue a "run" command
in the GDB console).

These runs could help to find out the problem.

P.S. I was using debug configuration with the full path to GDB (I had
few different versions installed) and did not find any problems with
it. So, it should work...


2008/11/18 Dylan Reynolds <dylan.reynolds@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>:
> First of all apologies for including these old posts in this post.  I could
> not figure out how to reply to the old posts and I thought they were
> important because they related to my new post.
> I am having the same problem as Pranay,
> I already had Cygwin installed - it has the latest 6.8.2 gdb installed.  I
> am yet to try and debug from the Cygwin command line.  I will try that
> shortly.  I get the same msg as Pranay pasted above.
> Hence, in Eclipse I altered the settings for the debugger for the Hello
> World exe.  I changed the debugger from simplt gdb, to the full path
> C:\cygwin\bin\gdb.exe.  I have no idea what gdb on its own would refer to -
> i am using the Cygwin toolchain so perhaps it simply executes gdb using this
> toolchain.
> The result of specifying the path to the debugger is totally different but
> still ends with an error.  Now I get this in my console (HW Test Again is
> the project name - the rest is simply the c++ hello world app that you can
> automatically open with Eclipse new project wizard):
> Warning: /Users/Entecho/Desktop/Programming/EclipseWorkspace/HW Test
> Again/Debug/src;C: No such file or directory.
> Warning: /Users/Entecho/Desktop/Programming/EclipseWorkspace/HW Test
> Again/Debug;C: No such file or directory.
> Warning: /Users/Entecho/Desktop/Programming/EclipseWorkspace/HW Test
> Again;C: No such file or directory.
> Warning: /cygdrive/c/Users/Entecho/Desktop/Programming/EclipseWorkspace/HW
> Test Again/C: No such file or directory.
> No source file named HelloWorldTest.cpp.
> gdb: unknown target exception 0xc0000135 at 0x773e9cac
> You can't do that without a process to debug.
> kill
> The program is not being run.
> Furthermore, the error msg says:
> Execution is suspended because of error.
>  You can't do that without a process to debug.
> Now I realise that this could be because using the path is totally the wrong
> thing to do - please advise me if this is the case.  With the MinGW gdb it
> is specified using the path so I thought that perhaps this would work.
> At the moment I still can't debug with the current Ganymede Eclipse and the
> current Cygwin - whether using the default setting: gdb or using the path
> (as explained above): C:\cygwin\bin\gdb.exe
> Any help with this would be greatly appreaciated.
> Kind Regards
> Dylan Reynolds
cdt-dev mailing list

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