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Re: [cdt-dev] Delete ILaunchConfigurations

I think it is a bug in platform. If launch configuration has not been saved it does not delete it from the list.

Mikael Engbom wrote:
When I create ILaunchConfigurations and later delete them they do not disappear from the Run/Debug Settings page (right click the project->properties->Run/Debug Settings)

To delete I use a function like the one below.

void deleteILaunchConfiguration(ILaunchConfiguration launchConfiguration {

If I look in the folder


I can see that the launch file is created and later deleted but for some reason the Run/Debug Setting page is not updated. If I restart Eclipse it will be deleted from the Run/Debug Settings page, so it seem like the page is not properly updated when a launch configuration is deleted (it is updated when the launch configuration is created).

Do I need to call another function to updated the Run/Debug Settings page or is it a bug?


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