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[cdt-dev] extending gdbjtag for custom devices

i'm looking at adding a new JTagDevice to gdbjtag, but it doesnt seem
to want to find my extensions unless the class code is inside of the
org.eclipse.cdt.debug.gdbjtag.core.jtagdevice package.

for example, in my plugin i add dependencies on the gdbjtag plugins.
then under the Extensions tab, i add a new
"org.eclipse.cdt.debug.gdbjtag.core.JTagDevice".  under this i add a
new "device".  the id is unique (shouldnt matter), the name is
"gdbproxy" (and it shows up in the drop down list), and when i click
on the class link, the eclipse interface locates my just
fine (stuck it in the toplevel just to make things simple).  but when
i select the device in the drop down, the default hostname/port does
not get updated (and the custom functions ive defined in my class dont
get called).

if i relocate to
org.eclipse.cdt.debug.gdbjtag.core.jtagdevice.gdbproxy and update the
class field accordingly, then it works just peachy

i tried stepping through the indirect class loading code but couldnt
really fathom where it was going wrong

for reference, here is the xml snippet that fails:

and here is the xml snippet that works:

and here is the pretty simple
import org.eclipse.cdt.debug.gdbjtag.core.jtagdevice.DefaultGDBJtagDeviceImpl;
public class gdbproxy extends DefaultGDBJtagDeviceImpl {
	public String getDefaultIpAddress() {
		return "";
	public String getDefaultPortNumber() {
		return "2000";

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