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[cdt-dev] Question about pluginName and pluginProvider properties in a CDT plugin

I don't know if this is a question specifically for the CDT or more of a platform issue, but since I'm seeing this problem with the CDT, I'll ask here. (I did try the eclipse.platform newsgroup, but got no responses)

I've created a pretty simple plugin to the Eclipse CDT 3.1.1 which adds some compilation, assembly, and linkage options specific to the PowerPC processors. I call it org.eclipse.cdt.managedbuilder.gnu.ppc.ui.

It consists of just a plugin.xml,, and MANIFEST.MF file for the most part. It creates a new set of Project Types, which define new Tool Sets which in-turn subclass the tools from org.eclipse.managedbuilder.gnu.ui (as suggested by Chris Recoskie).
There are no java classes in it.

Here's my problem:

In the plug-in overview, I've set the plugin name to %pluginName and the
plugin provider to %pluginProvider

In my file, I have two associations for these strings:


However, when I export this plug-in, and try installing it into an
existing Eclipse release and then start it up and look at Help -> About Eclipse SDK -> Plug-in Details, I don't get these xxxx and yyyy strings, but rather the strings from org.eclipse.cdt.managedbuilder.gnu.ui. The only connection I'm aware of between these two plug-ins is the fact that org.eclipse.cdt.managedbuilder.gnu.ppc.ui subclasses the extensions provided by org.eclipse.cdt.managedbuilder.gnu.ui.

If I change the property names to %PpluginName and %PpluginProvider, and
change the two associations in my file, the names do
come out xxxx and yyyy.

So my guess is that the properties of dependent plug-ins are visible to
the my plug-in and can override the values in my plug-in. Is that right? I've been unable to find any description of the hierarchy of files.

How do I avoid that without using different names for these properties.
I see other plug-ins using these property names without problems.

Thanks for your consideration,

- Corey

Corey Ashford
Software Engineer
IBM Linux Technology Center, Linux Toolchain
Beaverton, OR

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