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Re: [cdt-dev] Ada in CDT


This work of yours looks great!  I spent a few days wrinting an
Ada95/GNAT plugin based on CDT and think I got about as far as you
did. Although the learning curve required to get there was quite
intimidating. Alas, I have recently not had any time to continue work
on this Ada integration.

I was also very impressed by the small amount of effort required to
get GDB running through Ada code with breakpoints and all. And I
understand that there would be a lot more to gain with an Ada parser
and DOM integration. But that's how far I got. I got the impression
that this is a rather big chunk of work considering the size of the
Ada language and the learning required to understand the CDT.

Yet I hope that this Ada integration should be possible to improve
upon iteratively. I'd greatly appreciate any help on how to get
started with this. So I think it would be great if you could
contribute your efforts to some kind of contribution area or as an
example plugin.

Looking at the ICElement hierarchy I was wondering how to extend it to
support Ada specific features like nested functions/procedures, Ada
rendezvous tasking constructs, Ada generics, protected objects, etc.

I thought I'd wait for the Fortran team to go down the road of
integrating with the CDT rather than cloning it. That would hopefully
give me a better idea of how to do something similar for Ada.



On 4/21/05, Douglas Schaefer <dschaefe@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Hey gang,
> Here's something to put in the "Hey, that's cool" pile. I did an
> experiment with a quick Ada hello world example that called into a C
> function. I built using standard make with a simple make file that builds
> the C file (well C++ actually) and calls gnatmake. I then stuck a
> breakpoint on the C function and brought the whole works up in the
> debugger. You really see the power of gdb and the flexibility of CDT's
> integration with it here.
> The main work item I did was to hook up the CEditor to ada files. I then
> had to convince it not to run the CModelBuilder on it. I also had to teach
> the CCodeScanner about Ada keywords. These last two items were done with a
> language descriptor object that is currently based on ICFileType but can
> move to IContentType when that gets more stable.
> If there is interest on this, I'll have to see if I can contribute it,
> probably into the CDT Contrib area. At any rate, it does show that we're
> not that far off away from being able to support additional languages out
> of the box.
> Doug Schaefer
> Ottawa Lab, IBM Rational Software Division
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