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[cdt-dev] Can't add boolean option to my project type

Hi all,
I am trying to define my own cross development project type for cdt, and I need to specify some additional compiler options. Although I try to follow the Managed Build System Extensibility Document I run into a number of problems:
Here is a snippet from my plugin.xml:
     <tool superClass="cdt.managedbuild.tool.gnu.c.compiler.cygwin.exe.debug" id="" command="/usr/local/bin/i586-rmos-elf-gcc" sources="c,C,cc,CC" outputs="o" headerExtensions="h,H" name="GCC C Compiler" outputFlag="-o" natureFilter="both">
            name="No COMMON entries"
Note that I try to assign the newly defined option to the gnu.c.compiler.category.other category. When I create a new project which uses this tool definition I get
Managed Build system manifest file error: Unable to resolve the category identifier gnu.c.compiler.category.other in the option de.siemens.rmos.crossdevel.compiler.option.misc.nocommon.
 at org.eclipse.cdt.managedbuilder.internal.core.Tool.getOptions(
 at org.eclipse.cdt.managedbuilder.internal.core.Tool.getOptions(
Why is this?
I tried different approaches:
1) I define a new category inside my compiler tool. The new project is created o.k. but when I go to project properties and the settings of the compiler I get to see _only_ my newly created category, all the other option categories (and options) that were inherited from cdt.managedbuild.tool.gnu.c.compiler.cygwin.exe.debug are gone! This happens regardless of whether I set the new category's owner to
 a) The tool instance itself (
 b) The category gnu.c.compiler.category.other inside the parent compiler tool where I want the option to become visible. In this case, again, I get the "unable to resolve" complaint.
 c) The parent compiler tool cdt.managedbuild.tool.gnu.c.compiler itself. Again, unable to resolve.
2) I try to inherit from an existing option by setting superclass e.g. to gnu.c.compiler.option.misc.verbose which helps in that I now have my new option visible. But now the original "verbose" option is gone.
Can anybody help me out?
Tnx a lot
Norbert Plött

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