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[cdt-dev] Unable to Integrate CDT (C++ Plugin) in Eclipse

Hi List,
Sorry for this not too technical post. I am just a new
bie trying to figure out how to integrate C++ Plugin
(CDT) in eclipse 2.1
I downloaded and installed Eclipse successfully. Its
in my home directory. I then downloaded CDT Plugin

CDT 1.2.1

We have simplified the distribution zip by creating
only a single zip file that contains everything for
release 1.2.1. That file is available from:

I unzipped the whole file in $HOME/eclipse and it
automatically did some changes in $HOME
/eclipse/features and $HOME/eclipse/plugins.

When I start my eclipse again -- it gives me a note
about the new changes and says:

It has detected new changes at <current date and
time>(which is actually the files I unzipped). This
makes the current configuration invalid and it says:

org.eclipse.cdt.ui and
org.eclipse.cdt.core are required.


Any help, tips, pointers on fixing this and making
eclipse work for C/C++ IDE will be highly appreciated
(because I dont know any other IDE for C/C++ so I
tried eclipse and now I want to fix this)


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