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[cdt-dev] Sanity results for CDT Build

Recommendation:     Build is recommended to be adopted for more testing.  Several minor issues found.

Windows  (Sun JRE 1.4.2) Linux (Sun JRE 1.4.2)  - Suse SLES 9 (beta2)
0 722 tests, 0 failures
1 Pass
2 Pass
3 Pass
4 Pass
5 Pass 57823: Auto-build is performing a "make clean all" on Suse
57826: Stdio.h (eg. printf) not content-completing on Suse
6 Pass  
7 (existing issue) 57125 - [Search] When the Search view has focus, the CDT Search menu becomes the Java Search menu
(existing issue) 57121 - [Search] Searching when all of the "Search For" checkboxes are unchecked causes an exception
8 57806 - [Search] Selection search does not run in the background
9 (existing issue, partially fixed) 50221: Editor marker bar does not display new breakpoints; still need to see the little blue gif, but at least users can see breakpoints being added.
10 57804 - [Refactoring] Constructor and Destructor are not refactored when class is defined inside a namespace
11 Pass
12 (existing issue) 55149: ScannerConfig messages in log file


57805 - [About] Provider and Plug-in Name values in Feature Plug-ins dialog are missing.
57808 - [Build] Cannot select background view while build is in progress

Sanity testing assumes your environment is set up with:

a. Sun JDK 1.4.2_02 on your path ("java -version")
b. g++, nm, c++filt is on your path
c. "gdb -version" = 5.2.1, 5.3, or 6.0
d. You run Eclipse (with or without the -data argument)
e. Use Install/Update Perspective to get to

Sanity Tests:

0.  JUnit Test Results
1.  Creating new standard/managed C/C++ projects
2.  Import existing projects.
3.  Building a managed make project.

4.  Automatic building of a project.
5.  Building a standard make project.
6.  Files are parsed for language highlighting, and for Outline View.
7.  C/C++ search from the Search dialog.

8.  Context Menu Search (Selection Search)
9.  You can create and run debug configurations.

10. Refactoring
11. GUI Consistency and Correctness
12. Close the session and look for silent failures captured in the .metadata/.log file.

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