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Re: [cdt-dev] FW: [cdt-patch] Patch applied to 1.2.1 branch

> Question: Are patches still being applied to 1.2.1?  I was under the =

For example, in CDT 1.1 and other past releases, we've accomodate folks
by applying patches months after the release.

> impression (maybe incorrectly) that 1.2.1 was the last 1.x version and =
> all work was being made to 2.0. =20

It is probably, in term of Eclipse/CDT release cycle.  I do not think
folks here, have time/resources for another 1.2.x.
The bulk of the effort is on CDT-2.0 and catching with Eclipse-3.0.

But for compagnies building on top of the 1.2.1, patch will be
applied if appropriate(see below).
"2.0" may be too far away or a major ".0" release may be view as too risky,
so we accomodate if possible.

> I'm asking since I have potential fixes/enhancements I'd like to submit =
> but they are in 1.2 and I thought that I'd have to apply them to 2.0 =
> only (or at least determine the fixes' applicability in 2.0 and =
> determine if the fix is still appropriate).

In the past, we've accepted bug fixes(small patches) to a release branch
to accomodate users and ISVs. For example, in the CDT-1.1 lots of fixes
been added to the debugger from Tensilica(Chris) after the release.
Some were turn down, since they involve major changes not appropriate to a branch. 

To be concrete, the debugger.  If you send some quick/small-fixes(low risk), we will apply,
if your patch rewrites the entire interface of gdb and break the API .... probably not.

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