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Re: [cdt-dev] Heads-up to managed build developers

Hi Sean:
Adding the browseType attribute is fine with us.
one more thing (now that you are looking at this area)...  the Add, Remove, Move Up and Move Down buttons are always off the screen for the File items.  They are too far to the right, so the user always needs to scroll over see the buttons.  This is a minor point, but still a pain for the end-user.
We changed this in our application to place the buttons at the top of the file list (like a toolbar).  Attached is a screen snapshot.  This approach is similar to how Windows handles File lists.  
We use these file list buttons for the include Directories, Symbols, Libraries, and Other Options categories in the Build manager properties. 
If you would like to use this approach for the user interface, we can send you a patch.
Mike Charls
BitMethods, Inc.
----- Original Message -----
From: Sean Evoy
Sent: Thursday, April 01, 2004 8:25 AM
Subject: [cdt-dev] Heads-up to managed build developers

Hi Guys,
I just wanted to bounce a couple of ideas off the people who are looking at, and working on, the managed build system. First, there has been an endless stream of requests to put a browse button on path or file options. Since an IOption does not know what type of list it contains, I am proposing a new enumerated attribute in the option schema called "browseType". It will contain "none", "file", or "directory" so the UI can properly decide whether to display a browse button or not. So far, the solution does not break existing manifest definitions and the UI is working properly. I would like to know if anyone has a problem with this solution or if it tramples on something you have already done.

What this does not solve is the problem where the SWT/JFace widgets answer the file location or path location in the OS-appropriate format but the tools require these specifications in a different format. For example, imagine a cross-compiler hosted on Win32 not liking C:\foo\include, which is what we get back from the browse dialog. This might require some further tweaking of the toolchain model to get more information about the file system type the hosted tools prefer to use. Notice how studiously I am avoiding the term "target model" :-)

The window to propose alternatives is small, so if you have any strong opinions on this, please let me know asap.

Sean Evoy
Rational Software - IBM Software Group
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada

Attachment: IncludeFiles.jpg
Description: JPEG image

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