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Re: [cdt-dev] Zip installs

I remember seeing this before, what I discovered then, was that eclipse does not seem to be able to resolve required dependency from the parent feature even though the feature says that its includes it. I even ask on the newsgroup about this
but one one responded.  What we ended up doing is we removed the
     <import plugin="org.eclipse.cdt" version="1.2.0" match="compatible"/>

from the platform (parent) features which also has the "includes" element.

Douglas Schaefer wrote:

Hey gang,

I remember a while ago we had trouble with unzipping the CDT into existing eclipse installs. There would be an error saying that a number of features require the org.eclipse.cdt plugin.

Well, we're seeing that again with the 1.2 zips. From what I can tell, when eclipse detects new features in an existing install, it initializes them alphabetically by the directory names. Since org.eclipse.cdt is last with all the other features, it isn't getting initialized before the features that depend on it.

Did we have a workaround for this last release? Selecting cancel used to be work, but now eclipse just disables the feature until you remove it. The update site works fine, even if you install all the features at once.

Doug Schaefer, Senior Software Developer
IBM Rational Software, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
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