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Re: [cdt-dev] CDT 1.2 Proposal (CDT/Debug part)


	Here is a brief summary of the work items for CDT-1.2
as describe in the document sent by Kleo.

Debug work items

	* Defered Breakpoint(If the underlying debugger supports
	  shared load notification).

	* Formating values (hex, octal, ...)

	* Detail panel for Variable view.

	* More support for GDB/MI 2 (still support GDB/MI 1)

	* Casting variables to different types in the Variable view.

	* Documentation for the C/C++ Debug Interface(CDI)
		- commit the cdi-spy plugin as an example, the cdi-spy resembles
		  jdt-spy, it listens to all debug events(breakpoint, dll loading etc ..)
		  and presents the informaiton in a nice Treeview.

	* Setting breakpoints on external sources with persistency on the project.

	* Investigate a way to make static variables available even when
	  not in the context of the stackframe.

		static int foobar;
		int func() {
			static int foobar;

		int func2() {
			static int foobar;

	* Investigate variables book-keeping.  The rationale; on some embedded boards
	  probing the variables at every step can be to intrusive and sometimes
	  destructive for example, accessing a volatile.

	* Investigate action to set breakpoint for specific thread(if the underlying
	  debugger supports it) and session.

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