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[cdt-dev] RE: CDT 1.0 release plan

: ____Pared down list of current bugs from bugzilla on CDT ____
:  High-priority
:  25112

Strange, do not have a windows box to test, will ask cdm/alex to
check again.

:  25283

Should be fix in CVS.

:  24030
:  23002

Involves JavaCC parser, will go away once we rewrite the parser.
But the parser was not part of the goals for this year.  Note
the parser is old ARM C++.

:  24648

Should be fix, in CVS, (we are working with release Eclipse-2.0.1)

:  UI/SWT bugs -- should be re-assigned
:  24785 (Linux GTK port)
:  23049 (Most likely core SWT issue)
:  Low-priority
:  24229
:  23601
:  23478
:  25176
:  24574
:  24409
:  24023
:  23879
:  23603
:  23602
:  23258
:  24652
:  I've excluded the feature requests that are targetted to future
:  releases of the CDT.

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