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Re: [cdt-dev] F1 CDT works under Linux but not Windows

Thank you, Jeff!

I may be getting somewhat off-topic here, so let me know if I should move this discussion elsewhere.

Does the CDT team receive pre-built versions of eclipse from the Eclipse team? If not, does that mean there's a recipe for building Eclipse from a CVS snapshot? I had initially intended to try to reproduce this problem with the latest CVS trees (Eclipse and CDT), just in case it had already been fixed. After stumbling around a bit, trying to figure out which modules need to be checked out, which ones are built using Ant, whether the CVS versions of Ant and Xerces are sufficient to build SWT, how to build all of Eclipse (from either inside or outside of Eclipse itself), etc., I finally decided there might be an easier way. I've read a number of messages that lead me to believe the build support is/was changing for Eclipse, and it could still be changing, but it's not completely clear from what I've read. Does anybody have pointers or suggestions on how to build/package Eclipse? Again, I think I'm most interested in knowing how the CDT team deals with the problem.



turnham@xxxxxxxxxx wrote:

Hi Brian,

I just reproduced the same problem...I opened bug 18129
(  If you wish to be
notified when this bug gets some attention, add yourself to the bug's cc
list (you'll have to create a bugzilla account first ->

Thanks for including all the relevant info!


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