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[cdt-debug-dev] Wrong status handler for launch error code 101: Working directory does not exist

Hi All,

The plugin org.eclipse.cdt.debug.core defines an error code ICDTLaunchConfigurationConstants.ERR_WORKING_DIRECTORY_DOES_NOT_EXIST with the value 101.
Another plugin org.eclipse.cdt.launch contributes a status handler to this error code through its plugin.xml file like so:
     </statusHandler>    </extension>

However, the status handler class handles errors where user has not specified a core dump file for post mortem debug (status code 108:  ICDTLaunchConfigurationConstants.ERR_NO_COREFILE). Thus there is a mismatch between the functionality of the status code and the status handler. Due to this, when the user enters an invalid path for the working directory, the launch fails, but the user never gets to see the error dialog which displays the message: "Working directory does not exist". The reason why the launch does not display the error message dialog is that the status object is handed off to the contributed status handler. Due to the mismatch, there is a ClassCastException in the status handler code and the launch fails silently. Changing the status code of the status handler contribution in the plugin.xml exposes the correct error message to the user.

I think the status handler is meant for the status code 108:  ICDTLaunchConfigurationConstants.ERR_NO_COREFILE

Tensilica Technologies India

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