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RE: [cdt-debug-dev] Using cross-gdb in the debugger

You need to set the right binary parser for your project. Go to the project's properties - "C/C++ Build"->"Binary Parser".

From: cdt-debug-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx [mailto:cdt-debug-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of ???
Sent: 10 November 2006 02:47
To: cdt-debug-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: [cdt-debug-dev] Using cross-gdb in the debugger

Hi all.

I have a problem when execute eclipse 3.2 CDT debugger.

I hope to use the cross-gdb at the debugging.

So, I make c-project (C/C++ perspective) and compile this project

and select the Run->Debug->Debugger (Cygwin gdb Debugger).

The result is The CPU is not supported by selected debugger.

So,I modify org.eclipse.cdt.debug.mi.core/plugins.xml files. (native -> *).

And execute a eclipse with -clean option at the command prompt.

But, The CPU is not supported by selected debugger message is occurred again.

I wanna use cross-gdb as Cygwin gdb Debugger.

Is someone could help me ?


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