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[cdt-debug-dev] Events and CDI

Hi all,

    I'm working on a debugger that uses the win32 and MS-provided symbol-access APIs to support debugging of Visual Studio-compiled applications. I've run into a problem with supporting variables and thought that a CDI developer or a developer of the CDI gdb-mi debugger could give me some pointers...

    My first attempt at showing variables was to get method-local variables and parameters working. ICDIStackFrame has a method getLocalVariableDescriptors() that returns an array of variables descriptors. I've implemented this method to return variable descriptors for the local parameters of the current stack frame. What I observe in Eclipse is that sometimes the <var-name> = <value> item is displayed in the Variables view, sometimes "Pending ..." is displayed, and sometimes "..." is shown.

    I learned when implemented breakpoints that a CreatedEvent had to be posted for each new breakpoint in addition to returning the breakpoint object from the set<Type>Breakpoint. I thought that perhaps I needed to do something similar for variables. I started by posting CreatedEvent's when createLocalVariable() was called, but saw no change in behavior. I also tried posting CreateEvent's from getLocalVariableDescriptors(). Again, no change in behavior.

    Any thoughts on what I may be doing wrong?

    Thanks in advance!

Thanks and Regards,

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